Memorial Story Package

A person's life is filled with stories, and preserving them for family is the most wonderous thing imaginable. Gino, who was fighting terminal cancer, described in vivid detail how he survived WWII by climbing high in a tree while enemy soldiers camped below. In the weeks before his death, Gino shared his video with friends and family who came to visit. "Truly, words can not express the joy the DVD brought to my father as he shared it with so many of his friends,” said Maria-Grazia Selzer.

Consider leaving an "ethical will," which describes life lessons and good wishes to family. Also see AP story on the value of preserving your story as a family heirloom.

The Memorial Story package includes:

  • One-hour introductory discussion
  • One-hour recording session
  • Audio, video and digital image editing
  • Two, one-hour reaction sessions


"It's great to have all of dad's best stories in one place. What a wonderful gift to us (his children) as well as to future generations."
